Online boundaries and consent
The activities in this suite are designed to support students as they learn about online consent and permission, and how to define online boundaries.
Mighty Heroes
This suite includes four short animated video chapters and supporting educator notes. Each one features a hero and their online safety superpower.
Role-play respect online
This classroom activity is designed to help students identify what communicating respectfully and fairly looks like online by role-playing in a range of scenarios.
Investigating the truth
This classroom activity is designed to help students recognise that not everything they see or hear online is true. It aims to help students to develop questioning skills to identify when something is fake or trying to trick or scam them.
Privacy and security
This classroom activity is designed to empower students to protect their online privacy and personal information that identifies them. Students will learn about the skills required to create safer online environments.
Toolkit for Schools
The eSafety Toolkit for Schools is designed to support schools to create safer online environments. The resources are backed by evidence and support a nationally consistent approach to preventing and responding to online safety issues.
Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education
eSafety’s Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education establishes a consistent national approach that supports education systems across Australia to deliver high quality programs, with clearly defined elements and effective practices.
Caring for Country
In this activity, children watch the Play school episode ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ to help them to understand the significance of Country/place and to build a personal sense of responsibility for respecting the environment around them. Children are encouraged to become aware of and appreciate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contributions to sustainable Land management. Children then […]
Children’s Engagement with the RAP
Given that reconciliation is a collective, collaborative journey, it is important to foster opportunities for all children to be engaged with planning and implementing reconciliation initiatives. This activity provides some ideas for children’s engagement.
Colours as Cultural Symbols
This craft-based activity teaches children about the cultural meanings and significance of the colours that make up the Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag.