Global footprints
This unit of work, Global footprints, explores the concepts of sustainable futures, global or ecological footprints and personal and social responsibility. Narrative texts used are the children’s picture book The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley, written by Colin Thompson and illustrated by Amy Lissiat; a factual text and video in ‘Ida’s story’, the […]
Helping hands
This unit, Helping hands, explores fiction, non-fiction and multi-modal texts related to the 2004 Asian tsunami and its tragic aftermath. Texts used include the young adult novel The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis, the picture book The Day of the Elephant by Barbara Kerr Wilson and Frané Lessac, the memoir Hands Across the Waters by […]
The Boat
A short story in Nam Le’s hugely acclaimed anthology The Boat for its first interactive graphic novel. The result is emotive and intriguing.