Connection to Country Incursion or Excursion

Take an excursion or organise an incursion to learn about the historical and cultural significance of: This activity involves consulting the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to find out where and what is appropriate to learn about. It is important that you draw on existing relationships when planning something that needs consultation with the […]

Recycling Labels Mascots

Through independent research, students will learn the design and purpose behind the Australasian Recycling Labels. They will then creatively communicate these understandings and the Labels to others in the form of an informative advertising poster.

Recycling Labels Board Game

Through independent research, students will learn the design of and purpose behind the Australasian Recycling Labels. They will then creatively communicate these understandings and the labels to others in the form of an interactive board game.

Recycle Rescue – Trivia Quiz – Years 7 & 8

This lesson is an opportunity for students to extend their knowledge and understanding about the environmental benefits of recycling mobile phones and printer cartridges. Students will work in small groups to prepare questions for their own “Recycle Rescue Trivia Quiz”. By creating their own quiz game, students will have the opportunity to work co-operatively, practice […]

Planning to Collect Data Using Citizen Science

Students begin creating their school biodiversity trail. Working in groups, students identify potential trail sites and work as a class to select a site based on parameters defined by the students themselves. In the following class, students visit this site to create a school biodiversity trail, recording key features, identifying some of the plants and […]

Let’s Look At Organic Waste

Students complete a biodiversity survey of their school’s compost bins. They then collect data to determine how successful their school’s green waste is operating. Students make recommendations to their school community on improvements to the school’s composting system.

Is That Rubbish?

Students use mathematics to investigate and solve problems with litter around outdoor bins (may include rubbish, recycling and composting). They focus on answering questions about the causes of litter and if littering is related to distance from a bin. They use their data to work out the density and distribution of litter in relation to […]

Exploring Real Citizen Science Projects

Students explore citizen science through the work of Earthwatch’s ClimateWatch program. Students begin by sharing what they already know about citizen science, and analysing a range of citizen science projects from around the world. They then investigate the ClimateWatch app and explore Earthwatch’s ClimateWatch Trails. Finally, students will head outside to engage in some real […]

Communicating to others about Citizen Science

Students prepare information and materials to support users of a trail in or around your school where people can assess local biodiversity using a leading citizen science app. Students begin by creating a package of information to inform visitors about how to use their trail, including maps, field guides, ClimateWatch app details and recording sheets. […]

Citizen Science in the Field

Students identify the environment along their school biodiversity trail and how well it is being conserved. Students begin by investigating whether there are any existing management plans or biodiversity recovery activities in place for their site. They then identify the plants and animals along their trail, identify species and create field guides for these plants […]

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