Special Places
This learning sequence investigates the countries found in the Asia region and explores a range of places in other countries that are special to the people who live there. Students explore maps of the Asia region, identifying key countries, including Australia. They examine significant places for the people of China, Japan, India and Indonesia, exploring […]
Attitudes towards Chinese migrants
Students explore in greater depth what life was like for Chinese immigrants who travelled to Australia in search of gold through comparison and analysis of images, identification of goldfield locations and examining their local community connections with Chinese people.
Chinese migrants and the gold rush (Year 9)
Students explore through primary sources, why Chinese migrated to Australia in the nineteenth century and what life was like on the goldfields.
Chinese migrants and the gold rush (Year 5)
Students explore the founding of British colonies and the development of a colony. They learn about what life was like for different groups of people in the colonial period, particularly Chinese migrants. They examine significant events and people, political and economic developments, social structures, and settlement patterns.
We come to Australia
This learning sequence explores migrant stories of Australians of Asian heritage. Students analyse these stories and reflect on those who come to Australia seeking better lives.
Selling climate change
This learning sequence explores the topic of climate change and the Asia region. Students analyse how information about climate change is conveyed using various persuasive approaches.
Working cross-culturally
In this learning sequence students will explore what’s happening in the Asian region in terms of their interests and possible career goals. Students will investigate case studies and personal stories of Australian and Asian professional connections and explore how schools can best prepare students for a successful career engaged in working across cultures.
Understanding catastrophes
This learning sequence explores two catastrophes impacting on children in Japan and India. Students engage with a range of texts to develop cultural knowledge and sensitivity about the peoples and countries of Japan and India. Their increased intercultural awareness is applied to a writing task that can be used to begin an ongoing relationship with […]
Burka Ban
Students will contribute to discussions about cultural and religious dress, in particular Islamic head dress. Students will investigate and celebrate the cultural diversity in their classroom.
Mangroves matter
This learning sequence explores the ways in which community based organisations have worked to preserve mangrove ecosystems in Thailand and Australia.