Global footprints

This unit of work, Global footprints, explores the concepts of sustainable futures, global or ecological footprints and personal and social responsibility. Narrative texts used are the children’s picture book The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley, written by Colin Thompson and illustrated by Amy Lissiat; a factual text and video in ‘Ida’s story’, the […]

Helping hands

This unit, Helping hands, explores fiction, non-fiction and multi-modal texts related to the 2004 Asian tsunami and its tragic aftermath. Texts used include the young adult novel The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis, the picture book The Day of the Elephant by Barbara Kerr Wilson and Frané Lessac, the memoir Hands Across the Waters by […]

We are similar but different

This unit develops Year 3 students’ knowledge of children in different geographic places. It begins with learning about similarities and differences between classmates, and then extends awareness to wider contexts: rural and urban Australia, and globally, including Asia. Students learn that some differences which exist between children represent injustice, such as child labour; and that […]

Ways of being

This unit of work, Ways of being, allows students to explore ideas of cultural identity — specifically Aboriginal identity — and belonging, and how these are embedded in language.Texts used are Aboriginal English resources, Indigenous poetry and rap, the books My Girragundji and The Binna Binna Man by Meme McDonald and Boori Monty Pryor, and […]

Taking care of Earth together

This unit of work, Taking care of Earth together, allows students to explore pressing issues that relate to our shared responsibility to care for the environment for future generations, using the picture book. The Tomorrow Book by Jackie French and illustrated by Sue de Gennaro. Other texts used include a play and a poem relating […]

Global people

The unit of work, Global people, explores the human dimensions of forced and voluntary migration. Texts used include the picture storybook Ziba Came on a Boat, written by Liz Lofthouse and illustrated by Robert Ingpen, and the real-life story of Najeeba, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. The focus might be complimented by having junior novels […]

Words to unite us

This unit of work, Words to unite us, allows students to explore the complex theme of a common humanity, using the picture story books Whoever You Are, written by Mem Fox and illustrated by Leslie Staub, Mirror by Jeannie Baker, and The Little Refugee by Anh Do and Suzanne Do and illustrated by Bruce Whatley. […]

Stories to Unite Us

This unit of work, Stories to unite us, allows students to explore aspects of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, using the picture books You and Me: Our Place and Stories from the Billabong.You and Me: Our Place written by Leonie Norrington and illustrated by Dee Huxley highlights the connections between young and old […]

Neighbours PNG

This unit of work, Neighbours PNG, begins with the concept of neighbourliness and then extends the focus to our Pacific island neighbour, Papua New Guinea — its place in relation to Australia, major languages and the culture of traditional storytelling. Texts used include fiction, stories and factual texts, with Miracle on Separation Street by Bob […]

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