Australia’s Engagement with Asia: Indonesia
Case studies in water, food, urbanisation and human wellbeing Australia’s engagement with Asia: Indonesia is an engaging and easy-to-use teaching resource that supports the Australian Curriculum: Geography. It includes six DVD chapters with related texts and worksheets developed by World Vision and the Australian Geography Teachers Association.
Waste not want not
This is a thematic inquiry-based unit in which students will explore how the concept of waste has been used as a setting in stories or as a social and political topic of blogs and articles, thematic documentaries and works of art.
2023 Australian Videos for Change Competition
Young people have the creativity and capacity to contribute to a safer, more sustainable and inclusive world. Videos for Change is your opportunity to make a difference to a social issue you’re passionate about. Create a one-minute video that creates empathy, awareness and action on your chosen issue. Submit your video for the opportunity to […]
Working With Data Tables
This lesson enables teachers to guide students through some real data sets that reflect consumer recycling behaviour statistics. They will note trends in the recycling of printer cartridges in Australia, using data gathered by the organisation, Cartridges 4 Planet Ark. Activities include working with tabulated data and drawing conclusions. This lesson meets selected Australian Curriculum […]
Where Did My Phone Go?
Students will explore issues associated with the disposal of mobile phones and other digital devices. They will then consider how the practices of a circular economy could be applied as a way to resolve or reduce the impact of these issues. The lesson concludes with students creating a poster to encourage others to dispose of […]
What’s In The Bin today?
Students design a survey of school waste bins (rubbish, recycling and composting) that estimates volumes of waste before and after lunch and estimate the percentage of contamination. They calculate the area the bins service by breaking up the area into squares and triangles.
Traditional Culture Had Nothing To Waste
Students investigate the resources used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for tens of thousands of years. They compare their resource use with what we consume today. Students extrapolate and compare the impact on our environment.
Separating Mixtures
Students investigate how recyclable material is sorted by applying some of their known properties. They focus on the science behind sorting at a MRF – Materials Recovery Facility. Students explain the entire loop for an aluminium can.
Renewable Or Non-renewable, That Is The Question
In this activity, students investigate the meanings of renewable and non-renewable resources and look at the role of recycling for these resources. As a class, students create a survey to find out what ideas for improving the school’s waste management system other students and staff have for your school. Finally, students should create a plan […]
Recycling Rhythms
In groups of 6 – 8 (making only 3 or 4 groups in total), students will respond to a song with a sustainability message by choreographing and performing a dance or mime.