Groundwater, a vital resource beneath the land surface, is essential in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. It supports ecosystems, food, and tradition. These tales guide sustainable management, preserving well-being for people and the environment.
Caring for Country
In this activity, children watch the Play school episode ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ to help them to understand the significance of Country/place and to build a personal sense of responsibility for respecting the environment around them. Children are encouraged to become aware of and appreciate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contributions to sustainable Land management. Children then […]
Worldvision’s Leadership Programs
Explore a range of leadership development opportunities for your students to become the next generation of future leaders.
Get Connected: Climate Change
This issue looks at how humans interact with the physical environment, with a focus on greenhouse emissions and deforestation. How does climate change impact those living in developing countries and how is the world responding? This issue includes a DVD and explores natural disasters, water and health, agriculture, migration and biodiversity. It uses case studies […]
Get Connected: Disasters
The world is facing disasters on a record scale – since 2000, disasters have killed an average of 98,000 people each year and destroyed the livelihoods of millions more. This issue explores the difference between hazards and disasters, and their social, economic and environmental impacts. It also examines ways that humans prepare for disasters and […]
Get Connected: Persuading the world
This issue explores persuasion texts and six important global issues: gender, child labour, refugees, health, inequality and climate change. Students identify the structure and language features of persuasion texts – including posters, cartoons, speeches, and digital and written texts – and learn about major social issues at the same time. They are also encouraged to create […]
Get Connected: Global Citizenship
This issue helps students investigate the effects of globalisation in the world. Through case studies, activities and analysis of global organisations like World Vision and the United Nations, students explore what it means to be a global citizen. Role play and related activities help students understand the impact of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on […]
2023 Australian Videos for Change Competition
Young people have the creativity and capacity to contribute to a safer, more sustainable and inclusive world. Videos for Change is your opportunity to make a difference to a social issue you’re passionate about. Create a one-minute video that creates empathy, awareness and action on your chosen issue. Submit your video for the opportunity to […]
Planning to Collect Data Using Citizen Science
Students begin creating their school biodiversity trail. Working in groups, students identify potential trail sites and work as a class to select a site based on parameters defined by the students themselves. In the following class, students visit this site to create a school biodiversity trail, recording key features, identifying some of the plants and […]
Exploring Real Citizen Science Projects
Students explore citizen science through the work of Earthwatch’s ClimateWatch program. Students begin by sharing what they already know about citizen science, and analysing a range of citizen science projects from around the world. They then investigate the ClimateWatch app and explore Earthwatch’s ClimateWatch Trails. Finally, students will head outside to engage in some real […]