Get Connected: Food Security

This resource explores issues of food insecurity and how global citizens respond to these challenges. Inside you’ll find up-to-date case studies from Bangladesh and Timor-Leste, a debate on genetically modified crops and a food supply chain. This resource also features written and digital texts, photographs, a climate graph, map reading and cloze activities that help […]

Get Connected: Migration – People on the move

This issue explores voluntary and forced migration, including push/pull factors. Using personal stories, factual information and activities, students examine different types of migration with a particular focus on refugees. This includes considering their journey, the conventions and treaties that seek to protect refugees, and the role of government and non-government organisations (NGOs).

Get Connected: Global Inequalities

We live in an unequal world. This issue helps students understand the nature of global inequality in wealth, food, education, health and access to water and sanitation. It examines East Timor (Timor-Leste) as a case study and includes a DVD that explores the inequalities between Australia and our nearest international neighbour. This issues includes engaging visual […]

Get Connected: Global Citizenship

This issue helps students investigate the effects of globalisation in the world. Through case studies, activities and analysis of global organisations like World Vision and the United Nations, students explore what it means to be a global citizen. Role play and related activities help students understand the impact of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on […]

Australia’s Engagement with Asia: Indonesia

Case studies in water, food, urbanisation and human wellbeing Australia’s engagement with Asia: Indonesia is an engaging and easy-to-use teaching resource that supports the Australian Curriculum: Geography. It includes six DVD chapters with related texts and worksheets developed by World Vision and the Australian Geography Teachers Association.

Why do people go hungry? (Upper Primary)

World Vision is excited to share this special curriculum series aimed at providing primary students with the opportunity to begin their journey as world ready global citizens. Each unit has been developed to maintain flexibility within the curriculum and covers a range of general capabilities. In a timewhen hope and perspective is needed more than […]

Why do people go hungry? (Lower Primary)

In the context of this unit for primary aged children, we have referred to hunger as a simplified term todescribe food insecurity (ranging from malnourishment caused by compromised food quality, quantity and skipping meals to chronic undernutrition (no food for a day or more).

2023 Australian Videos for Change Competition

Young people have the creativity and capacity to contribute to a safer, more sustainable and inclusive world. Videos for Change is your opportunity to make a difference to a social issue you’re passionate about. Create a one-minute video that creates empathy, awareness and action on your chosen issue. Submit your video for the opportunity to […]

Rights of the Child

Children’s Rights Queensland strongly advocates for and promotes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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