Dear Greta

This resource is an example of how young people could be actively involved in a democracy by way of letter writing. This is linked with the episode ‘How Can Kids Get Involved’ for primary school students. Aimed at primary and secondary school students, this podcast supports the building up of leadership skills by encouraging political […]

How can kids get involved?

The resource highlights local politics at the level of the suburb, school and home. In here, students are engaged to examine issues that are much closer to home, access information about their local communities, and analyse ways in which to get involved.

What happens in Parliament?

The student becomes acquainted with the processes of law creation and the Shoutfest as a venue for citizens to air their perspectives.

What is an election?

Focuses on local issues, particularly on the exercise of democracy within Australia, as most exemplified in the federal elections and representation. Children are given the primary handle of how their voices are represented in the chambers of governance.

Why Canberra?

The student gets to know Australia’s local history of its struggle for democracy. This unit acquaints primary school students to the workings of a democacry and how active citizenship is part and parcel of this model of governance, therefore, locating themselves in the wider Australian political landscape.

Magna Carta: The Story of Our Freedom

Magna Carta has had an enduring legacy that has shaped the human rights and freedoms that all Australians enjoy today. In particular, Magna Carta advanced ideas of freedom, justice and the rule of law, principles which have become enshrined in our democracy. To mark the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the Australian Human Rights Commission […]

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