Reconciliation Garden

Create a reconciliation garden to use as a place for learning about the importance of Country and explore knowledge on bush foods and native plants.

Get Connected: Climate Change

This issue looks at how humans interact with the physical environment, with a focus on greenhouse emissions and deforestation. How does climate change impact those living in developing countries and how is the world responding? This issue includes a DVD and explores natural disasters, water and health, agriculture, migration and biodiversity. It uses case studies […]

Planning to Collect Data Using Citizen Science

Students begin creating their school biodiversity trail. Working in groups, students identify potential trail sites and work as a class to select a site based on parameters defined by the students themselves. In the following class, students visit this site to create a school biodiversity trail, recording key features, identifying some of the plants and […]

Flipped Classroom – TED Talk ‘less stuff, more happiness?

This lesson is designed for a flipped classroom, where students learn new content by watching a video in their own time. This strategy provides the opportunity for students to build their knowledge, attitudes and values by themselves, thereby freeing up class time for hands-on work.

Global footprints

This unit of work, Global footprints, explores the concepts of sustainable futures, global or ecological footprints and personal and social responsibility. Narrative texts used are the children’s picture book The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley, written by Colin Thompson and illustrated by Amy Lissiat; a factual text and video in ‘Ida’s story’, the […]

Taking care of Earth together

This unit of work, Taking care of Earth together, allows students to explore pressing issues that relate to our shared responsibility to care for the environment for future generations, using the picture book. The Tomorrow Book by Jackie French and illustrated by Sue de Gennaro. Other texts used include a play and a poem relating […]

Black Mist Burnt Country

Black Mist Burnt Country introduces secondary school students to the secret nuclear testing programme conducted by the British government in Australia, between 1952 and 1963. Produced by Burrinja and developed by the History Teachers Association of Victoria for the award-winning national touring exhibition Black Mist Burnt Country. The resource provides stimulus for discussions on land […]

Caring for Country (Secondary)

Caring for Country/place and looking after the lands, seas and skies on which one lives and learns is everyone’s responsibility. It’s important to acknowledge that there are many different ways to take and share responsibility for caring for Country that may seem like small steps, but which hold big significance. Learning from Aboriginal and Torres […]

Caring for Country (Primary)

In this activity, students will explore what Country/place means to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They watch the Play school episode ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ to help them to understand the significance of Country/place and to build a personal sense of responsibility for respecting the environment around them. Students are encouraged to become aware of […]

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