Recycling Labels Memory Game
With the assistance of a teacher, students identify the Australasian Recycling Labels and the purpose behind them, specifically the intention of reducing material waste and helping the environment. Students will then design and create a memory game with the intention of practising associating common household and classroom waste with the appropriate Australasian Recycling Label.
Recycling Labels Hopscotch
With the assistance of a teacher, students identify the Australasian Recycling Labels and the purpose behind them – specifically the intention of reducing material waste and helping the environment. Students will then play a fun, physical game of Hopscotch with the intention of practising associating common household and classroom waste with the appropriate Australasian Recycling […]
Recycling Labels Board Game
Through independent research, students will learn the design of and purpose behind the Australasian Recycling Labels. They will then creatively communicate these understandings and the labels to others in the form of an interactive board game.