Systems of Government

Explore Australia’s System of Government. These lesson plans are suitable for classes ranging from Years 5 to 12. They may be used by themselves, as part of a broader study of Civics and Citizenship, or in conjunction with the Units of work.

Secondary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention 2022

The Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program (VSPP) consists of a series of student conventions, which provide students with opportunities to learn about Australia’s constitution and systems of government. Students learn through participation in informed, parliamentary style debates on a range of topics affecting Australia’s democracy. Schools from all sectors can opt-into the program to support the […]

Primary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention 2022

The Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program (VSPP) consists of a series of student conventions, which provide students with opportunities to learn about Australia’s constitution and systems of government. Students learn through participation in informed, parliamentary style debates on a range of topics affecting Australia’s democracy. Schools from all sectors can opt-into the program to support the […]

Local and Global Citizenship: Rights and Responsibilities

We all have human RIGHTS. The GOVERNMENT creates laws to protect these rights.We must be aware of our RESPONSIBILITIES, to ensure that everyone can enjoy their human rights equally. These three terms will remind you: RIGHTS – GOVERNMENT – RESPONSIBILITIES

What is an election?

Focuses on local issues, particularly on the exercise of democracy within Australia, as most exemplified in the federal elections and representation. Children are given the primary handle of how their voices are represented in the chambers of governance.

Why Canberra?

The student gets to know Australia’s local history of its struggle for democracy. This unit acquaints primary school students to the workings of a democacry and how active citizenship is part and parcel of this model of governance, therefore, locating themselves in the wider Australian political landscape.

The Story of Our Rights and Freedoms

The Story of Our Rights and Freedoms resources are designed to assist students in building a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities, and to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills to apply human rights in everyday life. These resources were developed in partnership with Cool Australia. 

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