Disability Discrimination in Sport

Disability Rights, Accessibility and Liveability is a unit of work that addresses the issues surrounding the liveability of places for people with disabilities. This includes urban planning for accessibility and liveability, community inclusion of people with disabilities, and strategies to improve the liveability and accessibility of places and services for people with disabilities. In this […]

Disability Discrimination in Sport

Disability Discrimination in Sport is a unit of work that encourages students to explore the issue of discrimination against people with disabilities in sport. This unit focuses on themes of mental health and wellbeing, relationships, and games and sports. Issues explored include the diversity of people who participate in sport, the impacts of discrimination and […]

Disability Rights, Inclusion and Sport

Disability Rights, Inclusion and Sport is a unit of work designed to give students a greater understanding of the rights of people with disabilities and equip them with skills to promote greater inclusion in sport. This unit provides opportunities for students to explore the importance of team sports and physical activity for people with disabilities […]

Magna Carta: The Story of Our Freedom

Magna Carta has had an enduring legacy that has shaped the human rights and freedoms that all Australians enjoy today. In particular, Magna Carta advanced ideas of freedom, justice and the rule of law, principles which have become enshrined in our democracy. To mark the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the Australian Human Rights Commission […]

The Story of Our Rights and Freedoms

The Story of Our Rights and Freedoms resources are designed to assist students in building a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities, and to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills to apply human rights in everyday life. These resources were developed in partnership with Cool Australia. 

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