COVID-19 responses around the world: A teaching resource for ages 9-14
The coronavirus pandemic knows no borders. But neither does our common humanity. In communities all over the world, people have responded to this human emergency with compassion, heart and generosity – reaching out to support others in amazing ways.
Social Media Check In
This resource has been designed to open a conversation with secondary students about their use and engagement with social media.
Young People News Poll
A new poll was designed by students at the 2019 News Champions Forum for 10 to 17 year olds. Its goal is to provide feedback on what young people think about what they read in the media and how they are represented. The poll was conducted in late 2020 with young people from across Australia […]
News Champions Forum
In October 2019, 21 young people aged 10 to 17 years from all across Australia gathered at MoAD for a media literacy ‘News Champions Forum’. They discussed the news, its role in our democracy and how young people are represented in Australian news media. In these YouTube clips you can explore their responses and ideas […]
Media and Me
These templates will support students to develop their critical thinking skills when viewing different types of media including entertainment, news, social media and advertising.