Young People News Poll

A new poll was designed by students at the 2019 News Champions Forum for 10 to 17 year olds. Its goal is to provide feedback on what young people think about what they read in the media and how they are represented. The poll was conducted in late 2020 with young people from across Australia […]

News Champions Forum

In October 2019, 21 young people aged 10 to 17 years from all across Australia gathered at MoAD for a media literacy ‘News Champions Forum’. They discussed the news, its role in our democracy and how young people are represented in Australian news media. In these YouTube clips you can explore their responses and ideas […]

A Media Literacy
Framework for Australia

Media literacy is the ability to critically engage with media in all aspects of life. It is a form of lifelong literacy that is essential for full participation in society.

Secondary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention 2022

The Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program (VSPP) consists of a series of student conventions, which provide students with opportunities to learn about Australia’s constitution and systems of government. Students learn through participation in informed, parliamentary style debates on a range of topics affecting Australia’s democracy. Schools from all sectors can opt-into the program to support the […]

What is an election?

Focuses on local issues, particularly on the exercise of democracy within Australia, as most exemplified in the federal elections and representation. Children are given the primary handle of how their voices are represented in the chambers of governance.

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