Come on in! An Invitation to a VIP Visitor

This activity teaches children about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in their local or wider Australian community, and the value of welcoming them into their learning environments.  It involves: 

Building Belonging

Involve children to think and talk about the ways different sets of rights work together to tackle prejudice, encourage respect ensure the rights of all people, regardless of their background, are met with equality and equity. To do this, use the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Building Belonging: A toolkit for early childhood educators on cultural […]

Caring for Country (Secondary)

Caring for Country/place and looking after the lands, seas and skies on which one lives and learns is everyone’s responsibility. It’s important to acknowledge that there are many different ways to take and share responsibility for caring for Country that may seem like small steps, but which hold big significance. Learning from Aboriginal and Torres […]

Caring for Country (Primary)

In this activity, students will explore what Country/place means to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They watch the Play school episode ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ to help them to understand the significance of Country/place and to build a personal sense of responsibility for respecting the environment around them. Students are encouraged to become aware of […]

SNAICC National Voice for our Children

SNAICC is the national voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childrenAll children deserve to thrive and fulfil their potential. We exist to see allAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children grow up healthy, happy and safe.

© 2023. Enabling Young Voices for Civic Action.
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