Youth-Led Participatory Action Research Guides
Participatory research challenges the academic tradition in which the scientist is at the center of decisions in the research process. Inspired by popular education, this approach allows members of the community to question their living conditions and develop solutions to improve them from a social justice perspective. These guides were developed and tested as part […]
Hansard Speeches – Youth Voice in Parliament Week
Explore youth voice and agency in action through this HansART resource; a collection of speeches by young people delivered in federal parliament as part of Raise Our Voice Australia’s Youth Voice in Parliament Week. Young people up to the age of 21 were asked to submit a 90 second speech answering the question: What do […]
Dear Greta
This resource is an example of how young people could be actively involved in a democracy by way of letter writing. This is linked with the episode ‘How Can Kids Get Involved’ for primary school students. Aimed at primary and secondary school students, this podcast supports the building up of leadership skills by encouraging political […]
How can kids get involved?
The resource highlights local politics at the level of the suburb, school and home. In here, students are engaged to examine issues that are much closer to home, access information about their local communities, and analyse ways in which to get involved.
What happens in Parliament?
The student becomes acquainted with the processes of law creation and the Shoutfest as a venue for citizens to air their perspectives.
Why Canberra?
The student gets to know Australia’s local history of its struggle for democracy. This unit acquaints primary school students to the workings of a democacry and how active citizenship is part and parcel of this model of governance, therefore, locating themselves in the wider Australian political landscape.